Ethnobotanicals, Hemp Supplies, Glass Pipes, Incense and Smudge, Ayahuasca
Seeker Shop Spiritual Supplies
Ayahuasca Admixtures, Ethnobotanicals, Chacruna, Jurema, Mimosa Hostilis, Salvia Divinorum, Virola Cumala, Chaliponga, Oco-Yage, Syrian Rue, Peganum Harmala
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Seeker Shop Ethnobotanicals
Seeker Shop Live Plants
Salvia Divinorum Rooted Plants
Psychotria Viridis Rooted Plants
Seeker Shop Incense
Nag Champa
Copal Resin
Frankincense and Myrrh
Dragon's Blood

Seeker Shop Ethnobotanicals, A. Colubrina Seeds,Anadenanthera Colubrina seeds, snuff

Over 40% off A. Colubrina seeds!


Smudge, White Sage, Cedar, Western Grey Sage
Don't Forget the Smudge!

White Sage






Product: Cielo Banesteriopsis Caapi
Latin Name:
Banisteriopsis Caapi
Common Names: Ayahuasca, Yage, Vine of the Soul, B caapi, Banesteriopsis caapi, cielo caapi, ceilo caapi

Banisteriopsis caapi is a magical mystical vine that has been used for a millennium in South America for spiritual and medicinal uses. The Cielo cultivar of Banisteriopsis caapi, called Sky Ayahuasca was originally brought back from the cloud forests of Peru by Terrence McKenna and is said to be the most visual of the different types of Caapi that the natives use. While botanists can not differentiate between the many cultivars of caapi, native shamans specifically look for the right cultivar for their purposes. Many tribes can differentiate as many as 10 or more different "types" or cultivars of B. caapi. The Cielo cultivar is one of the most highly regarded and many people agree that the Cielo Cultivar has a very different feel to it then the standard Banisteriopsis caapi available elsewhere. This plant has Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitor properties and like all of our products is not intended for human consumption.




Seeker Shop Mimosa Hostilis (Jurema Preta)

U.S. Grown Grade A Cielo Caapi; Shredded

This stock is the same variety as our whole vine US cielo caapi, except it comes shredded. A variety of the same caliber as our whole vine. We highly recommend this product as one of the best values we offer. A sur-charge has been added for the service of shredding.

US Cielo Caapi - shredded:
( 1 oz.)
US Cielo Caapi - shredded:
( 2ozs.)
US Cielo Caapi - shredded:
( 7 ozs.)
Seeker Shop Mimosa Hostilis (Jurema Preta)


U.S. Grown Grade A Cielo Caapi; Whole limbs.

This caapi is organically grown right here in the United States without the use of pesticides or herbicides. The potency and quality of the caapi is second to none, and is preferred by many over other types of caapi. This is our favorite source of caapi and we highly recommend it. While not as thick in diameter we believe the quality is superior to all other caapi on the market.

US Cielo Caapi:
(app. 1 oz.)
US Cielo Caapi:
(app. 2ozs.)
US Cielo Caapi:
100g (over 3 ozs.)



Seeker Shop Mimosa Hostilis (Jurema Preta)


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